
The By Light Project is a free, simple and efficient way to share files to multiple persons or friends quickly.
The service is open to everybody, for personal or business use.
Yes, and it will remain free !
You can request an invite here : [TBD]
No, we don’t accept any advertisement.
You can take a look to our contributors pages by looking at [our list of contributors]

File storage

For guests, there is no guarantees of the maximum time the files are kept on our servers. You can request a free invite or if you intend to use the service for business or commercial use, please consider making a donation when you request your invites. Generaly for guests the files are kept for a minimum of 30 days after the last time it was accessed. So if you don’t add or download any files from your bucket during a minimum period of 30 days, we might delete it to make place for the new ones. Individuals or business who made a donation will have theirs files preserved for a period of 3 month after that grace period we have algorithms that will determine if the bucket is still used, if it not, it will be placed on our potential deletable bucket list.
Currently, the maximum size of a single file is 1GB ( 1024 MB ) , and the total size of a single bucket can be 10 GB ( 10 240 MB )
There is no limit. But your browser might take more time to load the page if there is more that 1000 files in a single bucket
For security reason, you cannot retreive directly a bucket if you have lost the bucket name.
Yes, Click the Download ZIP button and a compressed ZIP will be generated with all the content of your bucket
Yes, you can prevent others to delete files by using the LOCK Bucket button.
  • upload_max_filesize 128M
  • post_max_size 128M
  • file_uploads 1
  • max_execution_time 30
  • memory_limit 512M
  • max_input_time -1